학회소식         회원동정

2020 Joint International Conference(Call for Papers)


Call for Papers

 2020 Joint International Conference


The 2020 International Conference of the Pan-Korea English Teachers’ Association (PKETA), the New Korean Association of English Language and Literature (NKAELL), and the Korean Association of Language Sciences (KALS) will be held at Pusan National University, Busan, Korea. This year’s conference theme is “Nurturing English Education through Three Branches: Linguistics, Literature, Education” and we are planning to organize an informative conference with presentations on various topics. We accept presentations broadly related to the theme of the conference and expect your contribution to the conference.


  1. Theme: Nurturing English Education through Three Branches: Linguistics, Literature, Education

  2. Venue: Pusan National University, Busan, the Republic of Korea

  3. Date: October 24, 2020


    Plenary Speakers

  1. Important dates

  • Presentation proposal submission due:  March 10, 2020

  • Abstract submission due: June 30, 2020


  1. The Online Proposal Submission at https://forms.gle/7znuhZ1HsLcuAnRE9 by March 10, 2020.


  2. For more information needed, feel free to contact:

For more information:

Visit: https://pketa.jams.or.kr/co/main/jmMain.kci

